It is common for a furnace, especially an older model, to produce noises. When the blower is functioning, you will most likely hear a buzzing sound, and you may also hear little popping sounds stemming from the ducts. These sounds are normal, so there is no cause to be alarmed.
On the other hand, if your furnace begins to make loud noises, this is a clear indication that it requires the attention of a professional. Call Dutch Heating & Cooling for furnace repair in Carmel, IN, if you observe the following sounds emanating from your furnace:
Three Furnace Sounds You Should Never Ignore.
Scraping Noises
Banging Noises
Several households have reported hearing loud banging or booming when they turn off their furnaces. If you are also experiencing the same issue, gas accumulation may be to blame. Never disregard loud explosions or booms since they may indicate a severe problem, such as a cracked heat exchanger. Cracked heat exchangers pose a threat to carbon dioxide emissions.
You should immediately turn it off when you hear bangs or booms from the furnace and contact one of our specialists for furnace replacement in Fishers, IN. This issue may also be caused by expanding and contracting air ducts and dirty burners, but only a competent furnace specialist can establish this with certainty.