What Do These 3 Heating And Cooling Efficiency Ratings Mean?

Heating And Cooling Efficiency Ratings Mean?

Don’t hesitate to call us if you have questions about heating and cooling efficiency ratings or need professional assistance with your AC replacement in Carmen, IN. Below, we’ll explore three standard heating and cooling efficiency ratings: SEER, EER, and AFUE.

Don’t hesitate to call us if you have questions about heating and cooling efficiency ratings or need professional assistance with your AC replacement in Carmen, IN.

Below, we’ll explore three standard heating and cooling efficiency ratings: SEER, EER, and AFUE.

SEER Rating

SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, measures the efficiency of air conditioners and heat pumps. A higher SEER rating means the system is more energy efficient and can save you more money on your energy bills. When shopping for a new air conditioner or heat pump, looking for a unit with a high SEER rating is essential. The Department of Energy has established a minimum SEER rating of 14 for air conditioners, but teams with ratings as high as 21 are available on the market.

EER Rating

EER, or Energy Efficiency Ratio, measures the efficiency of a cooling system at a specific set of conditions. Unlike SEER, which measures efficiency over an entire cooling season, EER measures efficiency at a single point in time. EER ratings are typically used to compare the efficiency of different air conditioners and heat pumps. A higher EER rating means the system is more efficient at converting energy into cooling power.

Contact us today to learn more about your home and office’s SEER, EER, and AFUE ratings. If the ratings are too low, schedule consultation for an AC repair  in Carmel, IN, and surrounding areas.

AFUE Rating

AFUE, or Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, measures the efficiency of furnaces and boilers. It’s expressed as a percentage and indicates the percentage of fuel converted into usable heat.
For example, if a furnace is said to have an AFUE rating of 90%. It means that 90% of the fuel is converted into usable heat, while the remaining 10% is lost through the exhaust.

When shopping for a new furnace or boiler, looking for a unit with a high AFUE rating is essential. The Department of Energy has established a minimum AFUE rating of 78% for natural gas furnaces, but AC units with ratings as high as 98% are available on the market.
It’s worth noting that AFUE ratings do not include the efficiency of the distribution system, such as the ductwork in your home. Even if you have a high-efficiency furnace, your home’s heating system may only operate at peak efficiency if your ductwork is properly designed and installed.

In conclusion, understanding heating and cooling efficiency ratings can help you make educated and informed decisions about your home’s HVAC system. At Dutch Heating and Cooling LLC, our professionals look forward to helping you with all your HVAC services. We can also help you with all your air conditioning repair needs in Carmel, IN.

Don't hesitate to call us or visit our website if you have questions or require professional assistance.

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