How Does Air Conditioning Actually Work?

How Does Air Conditioning Actually Work?

How Does Air Conditioning Actually Work?

Air conditioning systems enable us to control the temperature in an enclosed environment, and will normally also control humidity as well as provide cleaner air. AC units are typically used either in homes, offices or production premises where we want to keep temperature and humidity within specific ranges. While air conditioners differ from model to model, they all operate using similar principles. At Dutch Heating and Cooling, LLC we offer advice and services regarding all aspects of air conditioning. Our company is a great choice for AC repair in Carmel..

How do air conditioners work? General principles

Modern air conditioning units use the concept of evaporation to cool indoor air. In the same way as a refrigerator, a liquid compound, or refrigerant, is converted into a gas. In other words, it evaporates. In this process the compound becomes cool, and is sent through a system of metal coils. A fan system guide’s air from the room across the surface of these coils, and due to a difference in temperature, heat from the air is then absorbed into the refrigerant. The refrigerant is then lead away and outside, where the heat can dissipate into the outside air. The refrigerant is compressed on its way out making it into a hot liquid, which aids in disposing of the heat more effectively.

The condenser unit

The part of an air conditioner we often see outside of houses or commercial buildings is the condenser unit. The job of this component is to dispose of the heat which has been lead out from inside the cooled building. This unit will typically contain a compressor and a fan. The heated refrigerant is compressed and thereby becomes even warmer relative to the outside air. The fan leads heated air out into the environment, and the refrigerant is then pumped back into the building. For smaller wall or window-mounted air conditioners, the compressor and fan are built into one unit.

How Does Air Conditioning Actually Work?


In areas with warmer climates, the air that enters the AC system will also be high in humidity. This humidity condenses when it comes into contact with the cooling coils, and drips down into collection trays. The trays are connected either to a drain or to a water pump. In some cases, this condensation is also used internally, as part of the cooling process.

Air filters

In order to avoid a buildup of debris within the air conditioning units, the air coming into the unit is filtered as it enters the system. So in addition to protecting your equipment, the filters ensure that the air that is being cooled will also have fewer particles when sent back into the room or building. It is important to change filters regularly.

Dutch Heating and Cooling, LLC is a top company specializing in HVAC solutions, and has the experience and knowledge to make it a superb choice for AC contractors in Carmel. And other services for heater installation. Contact us either through our Website or by calling us at (317) 399-7839.

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